British Coast – Stage 037 – Rochester to Swale

8th May 2024. Continuing the trek around the Medway estuary. Starting in the merged conurbation of Rochester-Chatham-Gillingham. Past the historic Chatham Dockyard, and past new housing developments on St Mary’s Island offering views across the river to Upnor Castle. Finally away from buildings, and walking along the desolate, marsh-lined coast, made famous by Charles Dickens at a time when the Medway was home to prison hulks. And these shores where escapees might try to find shelter. Horrid Hill, jutting out into the muddy water, is suggestive of this past. After rounding Motney Hill and Otterham Creek, the path leaves the shoreline to wend through pleasant orchard lands, before returning to the marshes of Halstow Creek and Funton Creek. Here is much in evidence the water pollution cursing these Kentish shores, and the human pollution of unbridled fly-tipping. Finally through the Medway Marshes, to reach The Swale, separating the Isle of Sheppey from the mainland. 24 miles.

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