British Coast – Stage 003 – Dagenham Dock to Rainham

13th October 2021. A frustrating walk, with barely a glimpse of the coast – Fords Dagenham, plus neighbouring industrial areas, blocking all direct access. So a long detour, with tiring offshoots just to get an occasional sight of the water. 10 miles.

The Gores, Cemex
The Gores, Cemex
The Gores
The Gores
Dagenham Dock
Dagenham Dock
Dagenham Dock
Dagenham Dock
Dagenham Dock
Dagenham Dock
Dagenham Dock, towards Barking Riverside
Dagenham Dock, towards Barking Riverside
Dagenham Dock
Dagenham Dock
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