British Coast – Stage 017 – Tollesbury to Salcott

15th September 2022. A long walk to travel the barely two miles from Tollesbury to Salcott, skirting round Tollesbury Wick (with its views of the now decommissioned Bradwell nuclear power station) and Old Hall Marshes, protected by the RSPB. 16 miles.

Tollesbury Wick
Tollesbury Wick
Blockhouse Bay
Blockhouse Bay
Gunfleet Sands wind farm
Gunfleet Sands wind farm
Tollesbury Fleet
Tollesbury Fleet
Tollesbury Marina
Tollesbury Marina
Joyce's Saltings
Joyce’s Saltings
Tollesbury Fleet
Tollesbury Fleet
Old Hall Marshes
Old Hall Marshes
Salcott Channel
Salcott Channel
Salcott Channel
Salcott Channel
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