British Coast – Stage 006 – Tilbury to Stanford-le-Hope

13th November 2021. Starting from the Tilbury ferry, site of the landing of the Windrush. Past Tilbury and Coalhouse Forts, and the East Tilbury Radar Tower – site of where the pirate, William Kidd, was bound and hung in a cage. Then approaching the Thames estuary, with the London Gateway port dominating the horizon. 10 miles.

Tilbury ferry
Tilbury ferry
Tilbury ferry
Tilbury ferry
Tilbury Fort, Medley Creek
Tilbury Fort, Medley Creek
Tilbury 2
Tilbury 2
Tilbury 2
Tilbury 2
Tilbury 2
Tilbury 2
West Tilbury
West Tilbury
West Tilbury
West Tilbury
London Gateway, from West Tilbury
London Gateway, from West Tilbury
East Tilbury Radar Tower
East Tilbury Radar Tower
Coalhouse Fort
Coalhouse Fort
East Tilbury wetlands
East Tilbury wetlands
East Tilbury
East Tilbury
Globian's Sluice
Globian’s Sluice
East Tilbury shore
East Tilbury shore
Mucking Wharf
Mucking Wharf
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