British Coast – Stage 007 – Stanford-le-Hope to Pitsea

19th November 2021. A day to get passed London Gateway port, and a long trek around the marshlands to reach a train station to get away. 14 miles.

Mucking landfill
Mucking landfill

London Gateway
London Gateway
Thameside Nature Park
Thameside Nature Park
London Gateway
London Gateway
Stanford Wharf, Mucking Creek
Stanford Wharf, Mucking Creek
Stanford Wharf, Mucking Creek
Stanford Wharf, Mucking Creek
London Gateway, from Stanford Wharf
London Gateway, from Stanford Wharf
Thameside Nature Park
Thameside Nature Park
Stanford Wharf
Stanford Wharf
Stanford Wharf
Stanford Wharf
London Gateway
London Gateway
London Gateway
London Gateway
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